141 Lanza Avenue, #19, Garfield NJ 07026
Working Time
Mon - Sat: 8am - 7pm

Over the past 20 years PIC has invested heavily in full-color digital
printing technology to complement our silk-screening capability. This was
done as a response to increased demand for short-run work with enhanced
graphics and variable data. The technology has enabled us to offer
competitive pricing on this type of work which had been cost prohibitive
using traditional printing techniques. In addition, digital printing allowed
us to enter new markets such as POP display graphics, signage and vehicle

We have a full complement of wide-format digital equipment including roll
fed, hybrid and flatbed machines.  We offer eco-solvent, solvent, latex and
UV printing which makes us one the few shops to offer print solutions in all
of these ink types.  Our roll-to-roll printers are configured to print CMYK
+LCLM.  2 of the machines also print Orange for an improved color gamut.
The UV machines all have multiple white print heads that allow us to print
solid opaque white backgrounds and text.

Our competitive advantage in digital printing is our rich heritage in
providing high-quality work to high-end clients.  We spend extensive
prepress time color correcting and making sure print files are being imaged
correctly.  This not only ensures that our clients get what they want, it
also minimizes material waste and costly reprints.  It’s not about how fast
you print; it’s about how well you print!